Here's some code that you can feel free to use, if it helps you. I had a large folder of photos that I use for Windows wallpaper. The sizes were all over the place, and I really wanted to better match my monitor's resolution. I looked around and didn't find a utility that exactly met my needs, which were:

  1. Batch resize photos using not to exceed values for width and height.
  2. Ignore files below specified minimum width or height.
  3. Simple way to ignore files based on name.

Basically, I wanted to resize most of my pictures to not exceed the monitor's natural width or height, and ignore really small ones.

For exampe, let's say I had these photos. (All dimensions are given in WIDTH x HEIGHT)

  1. One in landscape mode at 2500x1600
  2. One in landscape mode at 1400x1300
  3. One in landscape mode at 1000x500
  4. One in portrait mode at 2400x400 (weird!)
  5. One in portrait mode at 400x500

In the code, I set the variables this way:

    // Set the min/max values of a LANDSCAPE photo.
    // The code automatically handles if the photo is in portrait mode.
    int maxWidth = 1800;
    int maxHeight = 1190;

    int minWidth = 900;
    int minHeight = 600;

In plain-Engish, I'm expecting this:

  1. The width is too big, so reduce to 1800x1152
  2. The height is too big, so reduce to 1281x1190
  3. Both are too small. Resize to best fit of 1800x900
  4. Height is too big, reduce to 1190x198
  5. Ignored, because both dimensions are below our min dimensions

Here's the code. Happy resizing!

I'm not responsible if this doesn't work. Backup your photos, and I recommend using an empty target folder.

Dependency: NuGet package ImageLibrary

void Main()
	bool OkToSave = true;
    //Comment this to run in "test" mode
	if (!OkToSave) { Console.WriteLine("Not OK to Save"); return;}

    // Set the min/max values of a LANDSCAPE photo.
    // The code automatically handles if the photo is in portrait mode.
    int maxWidth = 1800;
    int maxHeight = 1190;

    int minWidth = 900;
    int minHeight = 600;

    // Set the source and target folders
    string sourceFolder = 	@"C:\Users\charl\Google Drive\Documents\Clients\_SM\SktBlogImages";
	string targetFolder = @"C:\Users\charl\Google Drive\Documents\Clients\_SM\Apps\HCMA Web Site Slider\SktBlogImages";
	string[] formats = { ".bmp", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"};

    //Exclude these files, if any. E.g. {"Bad Hair Day", "Music Date"}
    //Note that if the filename includes the string, it will be exluded.
    string[] files = { };
	foreach (string file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(sourceFolder))
		string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
		string ext = Path.GetExtension(file).ToLower();
		if (formats.Contains(ext) & !files.Contains(fileName))
			var image = new KalikoImage(file);
			int width = maxWidth;
			int height = maxHeight;
			if (image.IsPortrait)
				width = maxHeight;
				height = maxWidth;
				minWidth = minHeight;
				minHeight = minWidth;

			KalikoImage scaledImage;
			//ignore if
			if (image.Height < minHeight & image.Width < minWidth){
				scaledImage = image;
				//resize, preserve aspect ratio			
				scaledImage = image.Scale(new FitScaling(maxWidth, maxHeight));
			//save with original resolution
			ImageFormat format;
			if (new string[] { ".jpg", ".jpeg" }.Contains(ext)) { format = ImageFormat.Jpeg; }
			else if (ext == ".gif") { format = ImageFormat.Gif; }
			else if (ext == ".bmp") { format = ImageFormat.Bmp; }
			else { format = ImageFormat.Png; }

			Console.WriteLine(fileName + "   " + scaledImage.Width + " x " + scaledImage.Height);
			if (OkToSave) { scaledImage.SaveImage(Path.Combine(targetFolder, fileName), format, true);}