When Did "Save? Yes, No, Cancel" Become Wrong?
2020-06-09 21:05
Improving on Perfection?
It's the easiest prompt when closing an application, and has been around for decades.
Do you want to save your changes before closing? [ Yes] [No] [Cancel]
You can press Y for Yes, N for No, and Esc for Cancel.
So why does everyone seem to think this needs revising, or is somehow unclear?
Here are a few screen captures from...
The Save? Rogues' Gallery
Microsoft Word
It's as if grammar never entered their heads. At least I can press S or N, though.
Microsoft Visual Studio
At least MS is consistent.
This one's better. The choices are the same, but they actually answer the question. Too bad they don't underline the keyboard shortcuts.
I love you, Inkscape, but this dialog makes me sad.
One of the most confusing variations. I make the unintended choice about half the time.
With this many instructions, no wonder there's a Help button.
At least I'm not being asked a question. This dialog's pretty clear, but being able to press the "Y", "N" or Esc keys would still be faster.
As much as I like this app, I'm astonished I can make changes, close, and am not prompted to save my changes.
And some apps that still do it right
Markdown Monster
ABBYY Fine Reader
VSCD Video Editor Free