Weekly Sugar: 'Accelerate', the Best Book About DevOps
2019-06-18 14:02
I run a Meetup called Coffee. Quiet. Code. I want to encourage developers to work together in the same casual space without having to discuss anything or even interact much. It could be seen as a far less rigid version of Mycroft Holmes' "Dionysus Club", a way to enjoy shared community.
My inspiration came from people, often strangers, reading together in libraries, and also the sweet memories of my whole family reading their separate books they received as holiday gifts. In that spirit, here's a book recommendation.
Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps is exactly what it claims to be: high-quality, peer-reviewed research answering the practical question "What's really working in software development across all industries and team sizes?" There are plenty of opinions out there on DevOps. This book deals in facts.
I wrote an extensive book summary for a client, which you'll find on my web site.